How's Moggy?


This page is hidden as is the GP letter.

wurrit 'boot OCD agin

This website concerns T's daughter Jessica's husband (the D page) talking about Brownie Points (BPs) on xmas day.  In front of his whole family.  They came over for garden mulled wine and carols

T has medical probs again and is mentioned in a letter to our GP and I have posted this letter to her (snail mail) here on 11 January 2021.  Twerly to expect an outcome.

As you can see, I am doing my best.  I had a zoom session while T was asleep about four days ago and J's page is Garden 1.  She thinks that the website approach is not as good as her dealing with the situation but only after I have given the go-ahead.

I want to send him an email as you will see as you read on.

Having better nights than those described later.

T kens nuffin.  She is P as you'll see on the Home page.



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