GP 1

                                               She'll probably tell me to go for a run!

11 January 2021

  1. Every patient, I am sure, thinks twice before engaging the surgery knowing full well that all staff are working above and beyond the call of duty.

  2. Its website has been set up to enable patients to obtain help. I am above average in using IT and have many websites.

  3. Perhaps the problem is local signal in Charlbury. However, using both PC and Mac, problems occur on both machines.

  4. Patricia Ellis cannot login due to your website not recognising her memorable word. This has been well-recorded and has not changed.

  5. I have spent far too long on her Blood Pressure data. Once I can find the right page on the surgery website I could send them both easily.

  6. My latest comment to the surgery brought a page on which every reading needs to be entered. Each one takes nine stabs of the keyboard times four readings a day times six days = 216 never mind all the times and days to be put in.

  7. Anyone who has taken the trouble to produce an Excel sheet certainly won't start again.

  8. Jani Parsons answered a letter from me previously making similar comment, on 18 December. It was a long and detailed letter about how pressurised staff at CNHC are but it did not deal with my suggestions relating to reducing pressure on the switchboard.

  9. Patricia and I almost enjoyed the first and second lockdowns and the peace it brought us! However, now I find myself more attached to the keyboard sending reams of text of complaint to several others. Perhaps lockdown has affected me.

  10. The Citalopram-Omneprazole ratio which you had changed recently reducing the former to 10mg/day is now back as it was as the acid reflux was not helped. Not now using Omeprazole.

  11. I received sessions of OCD therapy about ten years ago and the then GP reassigned me to an autism diagnosis. This is why I had raised the autism question with you recently.

  12. I wonder if taking more Citalopram will achieve anything.

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